Thursday, December 02, 2021



HO! HO! HO! I guess it’s the season to be jolly.

Monday, November 15, 2021



I took this picture a few years ago while visiting the McMichael Art Gallery in Kleinburg. It is the shack where Tom Thomson used to live in Toronto from 1925 till his death in 1917. Of course the shack has been photographed numerous times but I concentrated on the light and the complex patterns of vertical lines and the rectangular shapes of the doors and windows.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021



This morning I am reading in my morning paper about the big COP26 get together in Glasgow, I came across my picture of the old Thorn farm here in North Bay. The farm is gone now. All that remains is a picture reminding me what it looked like. 

Thursday, November 04, 2021



An image of strong patterns, shapes and textures. It is a very elementary picture reflecting a strong dramatic view of Lake Nipissing. 

Friday, October 29, 2021


The lastgeving days we enjoyed some beautiful late Fall weather. We visited some of the city parks. This picture, I took along the Lavase river in Champlain park. Most of the leaves of course were already gone.But I was interested in the patterns of the trees and the reflections in the water.I am happy with the result of the final monochrome image.

Monday, October 11, 2021



To all my followers, I wish you a great Happy Thanksgiving. We have very colourful Fall season and of course for all us photographers it is tradition to go on our colour photo tours. This picture I took yesterday in our garden, which has lost many of its leaves. However we still have much colour in the parks and trails in the North Bay country side.

Sunday, October 03, 2021



The Fall palette is at its peak. Yes it is very wet but this of course increases the colour saturation. I prefer photographing the Fall colours on overcast days or, even better, when we have soft rain. Actually I don’t have totravel far because our garden displays a full range of Fall hues. Simply woderful.

Friday, October 01, 2021



Walking through a small tunnel in Temiscaming I photographed the light reflected on the rusty wall. Of course it just was a subject I could not resist. When I downloaded the file on my computer I simply turned it so it became an imaginary landscape.

Thursday, September 30, 2021


 On Monday John, Gerry and I visited Mattawa to take some pictures of the old railway station, or I should say the remnant of the old station. We were shocked to see the final state of this once busy station. It is sad to see how this building has been totally abandoned to the point that it would bestookt costly to restore. Thanks to neglect a community is losing one of its historic buildings.

Thursday, September 16, 2021



Fall has definitely arrived. The trees are turning rapidly to bright red and yellow. This picture of intense yellow coloured ragweed reminds me of some of Turner’s great landscape paintings.

Monday, September 13, 2021



No black and white image this time, but a Fall colour image. Yes the trees starting their annual colour festival. Actually this picture was taken a few years ago when our friend Gerry took John, Dan and  myself on a little trip on the South River to take some pictures. The colours were spectacular. Sitting in the back of the boat I took a series of images of the boat’s wake which turned into some very nice abstract photo “paintings”.

Friday, September 10, 2021



Last Tuesday morning my young grandson Ewan invited me to go and take some pictures together. Of course I agreed and both of us went down to the lake. It was a gorgeous sunny day. It was the beginning of a great little photo trip and Ewan was enjoying himself taking pictures together with his grandfather. Both of us are looking forward to go on many future photo trips.

Friday, September 03, 2021



This photo was made during a September trip to the village of Timiskaming in Quebec. It was a very early trip but well worth getting out of bed early. When my friend Dan and I arrived at the town the sun was just rising and the fog started to lift from the River. The clouds combined with the smoke from the mill made for very dramatic landscapes. Actually I think in another two weeks it might be worth another early morning visit.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 Again an old image but this is a picture from my New York portfolio. Revisiting your older picture is a very interesting journey because you see the image from a new perspective. The black and white interpretation is a much more abstract view than the original colour version.

Thursday, August 26, 2021



Still not traveling far, so I am simply traveling through my files. When visiting Quebec City I was intrigued by this simple note scribbled on a wall in the old city. Looking at it again I have to wonder what is the story behind this note. You can feel the anguish and perhaps anger expressed by this simple message. A simple image but the words give this picture a powerful meaning. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Every year we go for a picnic with our friends Bob and Pat. So yesterday we decided to go to the Restoule Provincial Park. We found an empty picnic table next to the river where we enjoyed a wonderful outdoor lunch. 
Right across the water I noticed this dead tree, which was almost bleached white. The background was a dense pattern of very green trees, which obscured the shape of the old tree. My first idea was to turn the final picture into a pure monochrome image and yes, I did like the result but then started to add a duo tone to the image and again I enjoyed the final picture, which I decided to post.

Sunday, August 15, 2021



Our garden or actually I should say, my wife’s garden, because after all it is her beautiful creation. I simply get the enjoyment out of her hard work. The garden also inspires me in making my photographs. This image is a interpretation of the evening view just when darkness gives this mysterious view of the textures of the different plants and the light dissolving into the darkness of the forest.

Monday, August 02, 2021


Last Friday, our first photo trip since lockdown. What a great day. We, Gerry, john and myself decide to drive to South River and we had a wonderful time. Good discussions on a wide variety of topics, a great lunch and above all some fine picture taking. I stil like working in black and white.
 This time I added a sepia tone to this image, which I think  strengthens the visual impact of this landscape.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021



Now this is a trip back in time. This morning I came across some old negatives I took in the seventies. Quite a trip through memory lane.  Downtown  North Bay had three movie theatres, Mainstreet was the primary shopping centre until the new malls opened. That was the end of a lively downtown. Of course there are still some great stores on Mainstreet but it is a far cry from the busy shopping crowds you would see on Saturdays in the seventies when we just arrived in the city.

Monday, June 28, 2021



I took this picture a few years ago when visiting the Paul Revere house in Boston. It is a picture reflecting the period. The warm tone of the image accentuates the antiquity of the house and its furnishings. It is worth visiting this 18th century building , which contrasts with the modern architecture of downtown Boston.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021



It has been quite some time since my last posting. But I had some technical problems with my computer. Eventually I solved the problems and gained some more knowledge in computer repair. Today’s posting is an image I took this morning when going for a walk along the waterfront. It was fun to see the various creations people made along the water’s edge. I particular enjoyed this sculpture, which appeared ready to cross the lake.

Saturday, June 05, 2021


 A gray, wet day along the beach in Basin Head. I came upon this piece of driftwood which had texture but its spidery shape resulted in an image with impact. I scanned  the original colour negative in monochrome, which made for an image with a stronger emotional impact. Finally I always add grain to my final pictures, because to me grain  defines the photographic image.

Thursday, June 03, 2021



Walking around the Maritime beaches and shoreline, you will find quite a few discarded rubber gloves. I photographed this old glove somewhere in New Brunswick. In this image I like the different textures, which work well with the intriguing shape of the glove. As I mentioned in my last posting, I am interested in the process of duotoning. The overall blue tone adds to the visual impact of this composition.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021



Recently I rediscovered a neglected book hidden on my bookshelves. The title of the book is From Darkroom to Digital by the British photographer and writer Eddie Ephraums. While the photography software has greatly improved since this book was published, I still think that the Eddie’s ideas about traditional black and white photography versus digital are still relevant. I agree with him that the computer has greatly enlarged the technical possibilities for black and white photography. I especially got interested in his ideas about toning and I have been experimenting with duotoning photographs. It is one aspect I am exploring and enjoying. 

Monday, May 24, 2021



Again a picture from my filesThis time an image from the station master’s office of the old Vars railway station. This old station was moved to the open air heritage museum in Cumberland. Old railway stations remind me of the times when the main means of transportation for the small towns in the rural and especially the communities in the North was the train. The irony is that the same small towns have lost, with the exception of the private car, their various forms of travel. The train has been gone, now airlines and busses have closed their various routes. The only bus company here in North Eastern Ontario is the Ontario Northlander. Al in all a very sad situation,

Friday, May 14, 2021


Yesterday was the first time, after many weeks, that I went on a small photo excursion around the city. I came across this view of the old Dionne Quints home which was moved to downtown North Bay. I particularly liked the strange contrast between the old homestead and new construction behind it. 

Friday, April 09, 2021



Spring has definitely arrived here in Northern Ontario. The last few days have been exceptionally warm for April. So to celebrate Spring I scanned several older negatives of wild flowers, which I took on my nature walks along my favourite nature trails. The film I used was either Kodak or Agfa colour negative film. I prefer negative film because it allowed me to make colour prints. I always enjoyed working in the darkroom and now I continue making prints digitally of course. 

Friday, April 02, 2021


We are living through dark and anxious times but looking through my files I came across this picture, which I took one Summer visiting Baie Saint Paul in Quebec. I think it is an image, which reflects the words from the poem Anthem by Leonard Cohen .

“There is a crack, a crack in everything

That’s how the light gets in.”

Thursday, March 18, 2021


I certainly have procrastinated lately but here anew posting of an old picture I took many years ago of boats on the shore of Stormy Lake in the provincial park in Restoule, Ontario. However I am certain that if you would go to the park, you could photograph an almost identical scene. It is still a very peaceful, quiet 
place with many photographic opportunities. When I took this picture it was a very nice early sunny Spring day. After scanning the negatives I did not find the picture visually very interesting. So using photoshop an onOne I added drama by changing it to a night scene. This added drama to an otherwise rather boring image.

Tuesday, March 02, 2021



We are still in lockdown here in North Bay, so I am still exploring my negatives files. It is a voyage of nostalgic memories. When I scanned this negative I wondered why I never printed this image. It is one of many I took on my regular excursions to Duchesnay Falls. It is close to my home and is one of my favourite photo spots. I still like it but , getting on in age, makes it more difficult for me to walk the trails and clambering the rocks.

Sunday, February 28, 2021


Another image from my negative collection. I dedicated this image to David Brown, a passionate photographer and , just like me and I am certain many other photo artists , miss working in the darkroom. A unique place to work quietly on creating your images. Of course we follow the same processes while working digitally but we miss the unique intimacy of working in an almost dark environment experiencing the magic of seeing the image appear in the developer tray. 

Friday, February 26, 2021



Another image from my old files. I took this picture on a little photo excursion to the Sudbury area before the the great landscape restoration. Before the changes the area around Sudbury was quite barren. Actually it looked quite grim and desolate. It is amazing how, since the nineteen eighties, the landscape has been transformed to the point that it will be difficult to find areas as this one I photographed in the mid seventies. This truly is a historic image. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021


 Another rediscovered pictures. This time an old house I photographed a few times. The old elm trees are all gone and actually so is the house. I am at an age now where you realize that your camera was really the magic memory box. Every day I discover new forgotten memories. After scanning in these old negatives to can re-interpret these images again.

Friday, February 19, 2021



We are under stay-at-home order, which is a good time to search my files for hidden gems. I scanned this negative, which I took many years ago on a trip to Pickle Lake in North Western Ontario. We were driving along a dirt road near a large copper mine. I guess what attracted me was the beautiful cloudy sky contrasting with the textures of the rocks and dirt along the road. The film I used was one of my favourite films Ilford HP5. I still miss working in the darkroom. If you wonder about ofthe height of  this”mountain” well, it was only about 3 meters high.

Saturday, February 13, 2021



This image is a reflection of our unusual time of isolation. It reminds me of the minimalist art of the nineteen sixties. It shows a view of just basic elements of rectangles and strong basic colour contrasting with the texture of the railing at the government dock here in North Bay. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021



It is quite a lot of fun looking through old files and discovering negatives which I simply forgot about. This negative is quite a few decades old. Actually I took this picture when we just arrived in Canada and I worked for a photographer in Toronto, who did a lot of work for the provincial and federal government. So one morning,on my way to the subway, I passed some firetrucks parked outside an office building. The firemen were busy rolling out the hoses, so of course being a curious photographer I had to take some pictures of course.  I was intrigued by this helmet . You don’t see these anymore and I am certain that they are quite valuable . Thiswas shot using Kodak Trix developed in Agfa Rodinal.

Monday, January 18, 2021



Choosing negatives from my files, remind me of a famous quote by Ansel Adams, “the negative is the score and the image is the performance”. I have to agree with his analogy with music. Each time you make a print of a specific negative you make some subtle and sometimes of course major changes in the interpretation of the negative. A good example is this print, which is made from a old negative but is a very different interpretation from earlier prints. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021



The British painter J.W. M. Turner once said light came before colourand as a photographer I have to agree with that statement. Turner of course was a master in painting light and that is one of the reasons I so admire his work. This image is quite old. I made this picture sometimes in the seventees but , because I did not write it down, I simply can’t remember where I took the picture. During this period of isolation and actually compltete lockdown, I gigured this is an excellent time to once again go through my old negatives and start scanning some of them.I came across this negative made with my old twinlens Roleiflex and processed it on my computer. I never printed it before and looking at the result I wonder why I never printed it. It is a wonderful image.

Saturday, January 09, 2021


Another picture from yesterday’s photo excursion. Yes it was quite cold with the temperature around -15 C However the sun just appeared above the horizon, colouring the Winter landscape in a beautiful golden hue. Of course it did not add to us feeling warmer but it definitely created a very romantic atmosphere, giving us quite a few nice images.


Friday, January 08, 2021


 What a beautiful Winter day we had. So John, Gerry and I left early on a photo trip. Of course we could not let this day go by without taking photographs. One of the places we visited was an abandoned saw mill. John and I had been there before but of course you always see something new. My first series of pictures were of a large backlit group of old loading facilities. The very pronounced shadows and large shapes made me think of the traditional black and white images by photographers like Edward Weston, Charles Sheeler and the German photographer Albert Renger Patzsch.

Monday, January 04, 2021



As I promised, I will be posting more pictures this year. While we are still in some form lockdown, I look at this time as a good period for reflection. My extensive photo archive is simply a treasury of forgotten images like this view of the South River, which I took two years ago. Using a large matt around the image gives it a new visual perspective. 

Sunday, January 03, 2021



Revisiting some of the old sites I have photographed over the years, you see the process of time. Like this barn, which is slowly deteriorating and probably wil be gone in a few years or maybe has collapsed already  since my last visit. It still has character with its strong textures and patterns.

Friday, January 01, 2021



When visiting the North Bay art winterfest I took a picture of this quilted ice hut on Lake Nipissing. It certainly is a good picture for these dark times when all of us are living in isolation because of the dreaded  covid 19. But I am certain that this year will hopefully bring us a semblance of normal life again. So lets keep our fingers crossed.