Tuesday, March 02, 2021



We are still in lockdown here in North Bay, so I am still exploring my negatives files. It is a voyage of nostalgic memories. When I scanned this negative I wondered why I never printed this image. It is one of many I took on my regular excursions to Duchesnay Falls. It is close to my home and is one of my favourite photo spots. I still like it but , getting on in age, makes it more difficult for me to walk the trails and clambering the rocks.


  1. Wow Mike, love this image. When I lived just off of O'Brien St. N. I used to frequent this place very often when I just wanted to be alone, and listen to the water fall....I do miss that about the North. Thanks for the memories. Dave

  2. David Ernest5:59 AM

    Your dramatic photo brings back the trip that you took our summer work shop there in 1982. I likewise find my days of climbing over rocks and walking long uneven trails to be stored in my memory box. Am certainly enjoying your recent images.

  3. Boy, does this bring back memories for me, Mike! Your workshops, many hikes with my boys, quiet retreats, etc. Duchesnay was always a great destination and a great subject for the camera.
