Tuesday, June 29, 2021



Now this is a trip back in time. This morning I came across some old negatives I took in the seventies. Quite a trip through memory lane.  Downtown  North Bay had three movie theatres, Mainstreet was the primary shopping centre until the new malls opened. That was the end of a lively downtown. Of course there are still some great stores on Mainstreet but it is a far cry from the busy shopping crowds you would see on Saturdays in the seventies when we just arrived in the city.


  1. David Ernest5:31 AM

    Can't beat those old movie theatres, Mike. Spacious interiors, plenty of seating room, popcorn, candy machines.... They were my second home.
    Lots of mood in your street scene.

  2. John Minkowskyj11:20 PM

    "Muntz" car stereos, wow that is a time warp for sure.
    Always nice to look at old photos and seeing names from the past
    and wondering whatever happened to them.

  3. David Ernest8:48 AM

    Reminds me of a William Klein NYC b/w photo from his famous book of decades back.
