Tuesday, June 22, 2021



It has been quite some time since my last posting. But I had some technical problems with my computer. Eventually I solved the problems and gained some more knowledge in computer repair. Today’s posting is an image I took this morning when going for a walk along the waterfront. It was fun to see the various creations people made along the water’s edge. I particular enjoyed this sculpture, which appeared ready to cross the lake.


  1. David Ernest3:01 PM

    Am more than glad that you were able to fix your computer problems.
    Now we can get more of your images down the road.
    This present picture certainly sets the mood for our present weather.
    Your choice of monochrome was the perfect backdrop.

  2. Thanks David, yes I am really enjoying working in black and white again. Of course I think it is partly nostalgia but I simply love the graphic quality of the monochrome images. Frustrated with my computer problems I rediscovered the art of the Russian avant garde artists of the early twentieth century. They certainly were very influential in the modern art movement of the early twentieth century.
