Sunday, February 28, 2021


Another image from my negative collection. I dedicated this image to David Brown, a passionate photographer and , just like me and I am certain many other photo artists , miss working in the darkroom. A unique place to work quietly on creating your images. Of course we follow the same processes while working digitally but we miss the unique intimacy of working in an almost dark environment experiencing the magic of seeing the image appear in the developer tray. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Image, and I have to say Thank You very much Mike. I really appreciate it. Black & White film is still my favourite and crazy at it may sound, I miss the smell of developer and fixer on my hands after a darkroom session that lasted well into the wee hours of the morning. With my little radio playing classical music softly under the glow of the red safelight, time would stand still for hours on end. Digital imaging, while it has its advantages, it still does not give me the inner peace that the darkroom did. I truly feel sorry for those who will never ever experience that awe of watching a beautiful print appear in the developer. Thanks again. Dave
