Thursday, January 14, 2021



The British painter J.W. M. Turner once said light came before colourand as a photographer I have to agree with that statement. Turner of course was a master in painting light and that is one of the reasons I so admire his work. This image is quite old. I made this picture sometimes in the seventees but , because I did not write it down, I simply can’t remember where I took the picture. During this period of isolation and actually compltete lockdown, I gigured this is an excellent time to once again go through my old negatives and start scanning some of them.I came across this negative made with my old twinlens Roleiflex and processed it on my computer. I never printed it before and looking at the result I wonder why I never printed it. It is a wonderful image.


  1. yes it is a wonderful image

  2. David Ernest5:32 PM

    I second Rob's comment, Mike.
    Great dramatic photo.
    Interesting that you relied on your Rollei.
    Haven't used mine for a few years now since I have no place to process the film.

  3. And again thanks for the comments. Well David I have not used my old Rollei since the late nineties. This picture was made in the seventies. Because of the pandemic and now the lockdown I thought this is a good time to start exploring my old negatives and of course you discover all kind of hidden treasures. I scan these negatives and then process them on the computer and ,yes, on my ipad.

  4. Kaitlyn5:05 PM

    I love how you captured the movement of the waterfall!
