Thursday, March 18, 2021


I certainly have procrastinated lately but here anew posting of an old picture I took many years ago of boats on the shore of Stormy Lake in the provincial park in Restoule, Ontario. However I am certain that if you would go to the park, you could photograph an almost identical scene. It is still a very peaceful, quiet 
place with many photographic opportunities. When I took this picture it was a very nice early sunny Spring day. After scanning the negatives I did not find the picture visually very interesting. So using photoshop an onOne I added drama by changing it to a night scene. This added drama to an otherwise rather boring image.


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Love the photo Mike. The darkened back scene adds a touch of foreboding that is very interesting.

    Bob W.

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Mike, Great composition and mood in this photo.

    Gerry H.

  3. I love it for its simplicity, Mike.
