Saturday, May 18, 2024



Last Thursday my fiend john and I made our very first photo trip of this Spring season. Wonderful day, the weather was perfect, the places we visited were very quiet, I guess in anticipation of the first holiday weekend before the Summer holiday. All in all a day to remember. 

Returning home I looked at my images of that trip and noticed that the majority of pictures were richly textured subjects. Here the combination of strong water textures but also a feeling of movement and of course dramatic lighting..

Saturday, May 04, 2024


I could not resist posting another image of this old tree. Just the texture of the tree bark is magnificent. So if you have never seen it go and visit this tall tree giant. 

Friday, May 03, 2024



This picture of a massive Eastern Cottonwood tree is a good example of how you can simply miss a good photo subject. I must have passed this tree numerous times without noticing it. But two days ago I had lunch with two of my old colleagues and when walking over to my car Stopped because next to the restaurant I saw the largest tree I ever came across here in North Bay. So yesterday I returned to take some pictures of this truly massive Cottonwood tree. What struck me first and foremost was the very strong textured bark. I took some pictures but I know I have to return to explore and photograph this tree in order to create a more intricate portrait of this wonderful massive natural giant.