Monday, April 13, 2020


Being cooped up inside your house or apartment is of course no great fun. you are restricted in your movement and you simply can't grab your camera and wander around looking for new images. But look at it from a positive angle. this is a great time exploring your files and finding some great  forgotten images.

So this picture is from a trip we made in the very early Spring a few years ago to Montreal.
Tagging is the simplest style of graffiti but this reminded me of a quote by Michael Ondaatje from his book In the Skin of a Lion.

"Everyone has to scratch on walls somewhere or they go crazy”
Now back to my files looking for more forgotten pictures.


  1. John Minkowskyj9:59 AM

    Nice juxtaposition of graffiti. One is crude, one is refined. They work well together.
    I always like looking at graffiti, whether it is wall art, train graffiti or wall murals. The wall mural on the old Sudbury hospital is interesting
    (see: )
