Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Today is the day we celebrate our earth, the planet we call home. While we are  battling a pandemic , we have to remember another and a much greater problem is the deterioration of our home. This day should also be a time that we have to seriously start working on cleaning up home and it is our only home, which we will lose if we don’t seriously tackle the problems of cleaning up and preserve the air we breathe,  the land we are destroying and the oceans and rivers we keep polluting.  Maybe while we are trying to get this coronavirus pandemic under control we will start realizing that we have to change our unbridled consumerism into a more sustainable way of living. 


  1. Here here Mike, I'm with you, but I doubt much will change once we get a handle on C-19. Money, power and greed seem to always be the priority.

  2. i agree with you rob, but i think some changes will happen. What and how of course only time will tell. In the mean time we have to try to stay optimistic, however difficult it sometimes is when you read our daily news.

  3. I love this image, Mike! And I echo your thoughts on using this time when everything has come to a standstill to figure out better ways to live in the future. We don’t want to return to ‘normal,’ because the old normal was so bad for our planet.
