Monday, November 21, 2016


Yesterday we received our first serious snowfall. So I decided to return to Champlain Park to see what the landscape would look like in the snow. I was a little disappointed because I had expected the sandbank to be covered in the white stuff but no the wind was quite strong, which had blown the snow off the surface but the water was very textured of course which I liked. So here another dramatic black and white of the same landscape I posted yesterday.


  1. David Ernest5:15 PM

    Well, Mike, we have wind galore up here. . a double-double .. both yesterday and today.
    I still really like your upgraded shot of the previous day.
    Gets me into that deep introspective mood for the things to come weatherwise.

  2. John Minkowskyj2:58 PM

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, Marriane and your family.
    Looking forward to your postings next year and we should get out shooting
    together more often in '17.
