Thursday, November 17, 2016


This image is for all my friends who love the classic quality of black and white photography. Yesterday was a dark rainy day, just the type of weather I like to take black and white pictures. I love the landscape photographs by Bill Brandt, Robert Frank and Josef Koudelka. Too many landscape photographs done digitally are technically superb of course but as David Hockney said in an interview they are boring. In other words they lack soul. I like the traditional images with all its deficiencies like grain for instance. 


  1. David Ernest4:11 PM

    Add Don McCullin to your b/w landscape list, Mike. Besides his wartime shots, his English landscapes create a wonderful mood.
    As does your present Champlain Park.... great picture. Like it very much.

  2. Thanks for your comment David. Yes I forgot about Don McCullen. I saw his show at the National Gallery a few years ago and yes his landscapes were great. Very dark and moody.

  3. John Minkowskyj9:51 AM

    Two nice photos 'A Glorious Day' & 'Champlain Park', one in colour one b&w. They both work equally well. I'm drawn in by the b&w's. 'Champlain Park' has a Mike McKenna feel to it.

  4. Thanks John, yes I prefer the B&W too. You are right it has some of the qualities of Michael McKenna's picture but I think David Ernest is right it's closer to the dark moody landscapes of Don McCullen
