Thursday, April 14, 2011


I titled this picture "why" because it always amazes and disturbs me when I see the wanton destruction of our natural environment with mindless visual garbage like this. I don't understand why people feel the urge to simply destroy their world. It is actually pretty sad to see this kind of wanton destruction.


  1. Hi Mike,
    Do you ever listen to people talk when you are standing close by in a public place? A lot of conversation is quite incoherent and inane...enough said eh? Dave

  2. Thanks for your comment Dave You are right.

  3. Did you know that a lot of gardens established in Canada in pioneer days were an attempt to deny, eradicate and obliterate the wilderness that really frightened people and they saw as the enemy?

  4. Unfortunately this kind of garbage is all too common around North Bay.
    See: for more comment and examples.

  5. One good thing Mije, the waves, sun, ice and snow will eventually clean off the rocks.

  6. Rob is right of course but it can take long time, depending on the paint.It is not that I dislike graffiti if they are visually stimulating and original.

  7. George Carlin said it best and I won't quote him to the word. Who do we think we are, that we think we can destroy this planet. Mother Earth will shake us off like a bad dose of flees and then heal her wounds.
