Saturday, April 16, 2011


After my posting of the Mickey Mouse rock painting here in North Bay, I remembered that, in the Summer of 1975, I had photographed these well known rock paintings along the shores of lake Superior. its a pity I took them in black and white but, after scanning the negatives, I simply toned and hand coloured the pictures. These pictures are not as old or as intricate as for instance the controversial rock paintings of Pedra Furada  or the  Australian prehistoric rock paintings  but they are now a tourist attraction, visited and admired by many tourist who travel the north shore of Lake Superior. So maybe a couple of hundred years from now the rock art from North bay will become as famous as the pictures of Agawa bay.
PS If you like graffiti art  check out the work of the grafiti artist BLU Its simply amazing.


  1. Definitely not Mickey Mouse! I have never been a fan of Disney, and I much prefer the content of these rock paintings. Nice job of hand painting also Mike. Someone should go down to the rocks in North Bay with a few cans of WD40, and Mickey would be gone in no time...LOL. I used to pose bridal couples on that very area. Thanks, Dave

  2. David Ernest9:19 AM

    I recall you taking our '82 and '84 summer Artsperience groups out to photograph these figures, Mike. I do like your retouched versions here.

  3. At least these are original art, not a copy of a commercial icon. And these are somewhat more in tune with their surroundings...

    I like the effect, Mike.
