Monday, April 18, 2011


On our coffee table we have a rather intriguing small object. It is an incense holder but that is about all I know about it. Obviously it has been used quite a bit, its carved from stone on the back are some decorations and, I guess it is quite old. It is fun to speculate where it came from and what it represents. By the way we bought it many years ago in a store in the Toronto China town area.


  1. Love the reflections, focus variations and the textures...

  2. David Ernest4:14 AM

    Looks a bit Aztec, Mike. Or perhaps from Mexico, Central America...even Mayan?

  3. John MInkowskyj9:13 AM

    Mike are you still burning incense?
    Takes me back to the sixties. Ah yes I can hear it now -"Incense, peppermint the colour of time". Remember that song by the Strawberry Alarm Clock.
    Love the tone of the print.
