Wednesday, April 20, 2011


You would not think that Spring has arrived with a snowstorm blowing outside today. Tomorrow promises to be back to a sunny day with seasonable temperatures around 8 º to 10 º C. I made this picture yesterday with the ice crawling onto the dock here in North bay. The colour image lacks the strong visual impact of the black and white image.


  1. John Minkowskyj11:17 PM

    Yeah, I was there yesterday and got a few shots over by the light beacon on the point. There was quite the ice built up on the point.
    Yours works well in black & white.

  2. Hey Mike,
    THIS brings back a lot of memories of Spring in North Bay. Love the tones. Thanks, Dave

  3. David Ernest4:40 AM

    Don't store that shovel away yet!
    Thanks for the visual reminder, Mike.
