Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yesterday's picture was made with my new Canon Powershot G11. I have made quite a few images with this new camera and start to learn its flaws. In a next posting I will tell you my opinion about this product. This picture was made with my trusted Nikon D80. Anonymous asked me if I could give some more technical details of my pictures. Its actually a good idea so here it is. Starting with the ISO rating, which was 100 , exposure time 13 seconds, used a tripod of course, lens opening F: 8 and focal length 10 mm equivalent to 15mm on a 35 mm camera. The previous image was taken with a rating of 80 ISO, exposure time 6 seconds, lens opening F: 56 and a focal length of 18mm.


  1. David Ernest5:09 AM

    Thanks, Mike, for following through on the tech details. Look forward to hearing your evaluation of the G11. I have a G10 which is a very practical camera to use, though quite over-pixelled. By the way, I sent the anonymous note. Pushed the wrong key when sending.

  2. Mike: A bit of info on processing would be appreciated as well.
    The EXIF information has been stripped.
    This is an exciting shot!
