Monday, September 27, 2010


Trout Creek is a community which is slowly dying. Ever since the main highway has bypassed this place, and some of the other small towns in this area in the same predicament, are losing business. Job opportunities are very  slim so most of the young people are forced to leave the area. This General Store is one of the few remaining businesses.  Some technical information about this picture. I photographed it with my G11. This camera has some definite problems. It shows a very pronounced barrel distortion and chromatic aberration problems. So keep that in mind if you are interested in this camera. Other problems I will discuss in some of my next postings.


  1. David Ernest5:48 AM

    Sad about those small towns that used to be on the main North Bay to Toronto highway. Actually passed through Trout Creek the other day on the train. I agree it has deteriorated since the re-routing of the main highway. Look forward for your further comments on the G11. Most interesting, Mike.

  2. hmmm, so maybe I shouldn't get it??

  3. Its sad to see how much trout creek is dying, since the petro station and hotel closed. childhood memories will always be there though. It was just so much better 9 years soon as that by-pass was there it seemed almost abandoned.
