Wednesday, June 09, 2010


A few weeks ago I had seen this "yard art" but did not have a chance to photograph it at that time. So last week I went to Callander to make some pictures. It was difficult to photograph because it was placed next to a hydro pole. This restricted the angles you could take good overall image of the art work, though I was able to get a few nice closeups.


  1. John Minkowskyj2:26 PM

    I like the way the owner spelled "pieces". I noticed it when I took pictures of it a few months ago. I'm glad that the wagon is still there so that everyone can enjoy this "country art".

  2. I would love your permission to post this great work of yard art on my blog with a link back and credit of course.

    I just love to share, yard art talent and who can resist a giant teddy bear?
