Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Jim Dow is a photographer, whose work I really enjoy. I feel an affinity with his images from the book Marking The Land, in which he documents the folkart in the North Dakota landscape. Traveling around Northern Ontario you find the same type of subjects in the Ontario landscape and , just as Jim Dow did in Northern Dakota, I photograph the same type of subject matter before it all disappears.


  1. John Minkowskyj8:54 AM

    How often we lament the fact that 'I should have taken a picture of that'. Just to find that the next time around it's gone. I am guilty of this. North Bay has seen a lot of changes over the past 10 yrs. There is a lot of missing history. My hat's off to you. Interesting shot.

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Thank for posting this picture. It brings back many good memories. My parents, along with other members of the community was instrumental in building the Bonfield Agridome, in fact, my late father named it the Agridome. Thanks for the picture.
