Thursday, October 18, 2007


Yesterday Blogger had some problems with their site. Obviously it has been solved so here is my posting. Its a simple picture of light and shadow creating a strong graphic image. Nonie was interested what type of equipment I use. Actually since I retired I really wanted to minimize the amount of equipment I use. My digital camera is nothing spectacular just a Olympus C8080W. The reason I downscaled is that when I looked at how photographers like Cartier Bresson and others used a single 35 mm camera with maybe one or two lenses to make some stunning pictures. I still have all my film cameras but do most of the pictures with my digital one. Its getting old, well for a digital camera that is, but it still works well. I hope that answers your quetion Nonie.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    this looks like all new romanian streets...but I think your street is 20 years old or something... :) in Romania we pay for new streets and we get second hand streets because of the coruption...everybody gets their share...
