Sunday, October 21, 2007


Just a simple image of this rock embedded into the tree roots.


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Mike, I wanted to also know if you do a lot of changes with the digital images. I noted last summer you also teach digital imagery work on the computer. Do you still offer this course?
    For a few years now I have questioned if this is okay to play with the image and make changes.

  2. A lovely exercise in texture and contrasts. There's a lot to learn from your excellent blog.

  3. First I like to thank The fruity cook for his very encouraging posting. I am glad you enjoy my blog.
    Nonie would like to know if I make a lot of changes in my images. Actually I do exactly what I did when I was working in the traditional analog process of photography. Of course, using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements make it easier to do otherwise complex manipulations. Of course its OK to play with an image thats part of the creative process. All photographs have been manipulated in one way or another, even the most neutral and utilitarian pictures.
