Monday, June 03, 2024



A few weeks ago I noticed how several businesses on Oak Street had spruced up their stores. It made this otherwise drab looking street into a happy,  festive cityscape. So yesterday I took some colourful images.It was a grey overcast day, which I preferred for this subject. Sunshine would have created too much textures and shadows, while I wanted to emphasize the colours. Returning home I transferred some of the pictures to my iPad and using and using my favourite  photo app Snapseed. So here is the result. 


Rob Greenfield said...

great one Mike, sure looks better than Main Street, construction aside

Mike de Moree said...

I agree with your comment about Mainstreet Rob.

John Minkowskyj said...

A 'rainbow myriad' of colour.
It reminds me of the 60's in Toronto's Yorkville.

Mike de Moree said...

You are right John. I forgot about the colourful Yorkville area. The picture is somewhat deceiving because the rest of Oak street does not look like this little segment of the street.