Sunday, April 21, 2024



It is always a challenge to photograph a nondescript subject and make it into visually interesting image. When I saw this uninteresting utilitarian building I also noticed the strong shadows, the various textures and the strong contrast between the different shapes of the flat walls, reminding me of the early work by the Italian Futuristic artist Giorgio de Chirico, whose paintings with its strong sunlight, deep shadows and unusual perspective made him one of the great early twentieth century artists.


  1. Great tones, textures and divisions of space in this composition Mike....really like it. Cheers! Dave

  2. I love this, Mike. It reminds me of 'New Topographics'.

  3. Thanks David and Nomiles for your comments about this image. Nomiles you are correct about the famous “Now Topographics”
    Exhibition. I also am an admirer of the work by the American photographer Jim Dow.
