Friday, October 13, 2023



This post is for my friend Kim Vlahovich, who loves rich detailed and textured images. Ou old utility or hydro poles, as they are called here in Canada, are being replaced. I am sentimentally attached to this old pole at the entrance to our driveway. Maybe it is the age of the pole as indicated on the date marked on the nail (19)57’ which makes it sixty six years old. But what ever the age of this pole, I think that Kim will appreciate this detaled picture of this grand old pole.


  1. Mike, This image speaks volumes to me. I can't explain how or why subject matter of this nature intrigues me to the extent that it does but you have captured the
    mystery and allure that surrounds the photo of this pole.

  2. Thanks Kim for your very nice comment. Yes I thought you eould like this image.
