Friday, January 13, 2023


 It has been quite awhile since my last posting. Why did I not post? Well, no particular reason, of course I could come up with a variety of excuses but I think the simple fact is that I suffered from lack of inspiration. Then at Christmas we opened a gift , which was a very wonderful book titled My Window by David Hockney. It is a book full of drawings done exclusively on iPhone and iPad. David Hockney is an absolute master using these digital tools. But more than his technical control is his creative approach to a simple subject, his view from his bedroom window. 

Following his idea, I took some photographs of the view from our front room of the Winter garden. I included Hockney’s book contrasting the brightly coloured drawing with the Wintery scene outside. Waiting for Spring would be a good title for this image.


  1. You are welcome Rob. I’l try to keep posting every day.

  2. John Minkowskyj11:09 AM

    My sentiments exactly, Rob. Like the contrast of colour vs. B & W.
    I see Hockney still sketches over his photographs, interesting.
