Friday, May 06, 2022


 This morning I was looking for a picture in my catalogue when I came across this picture I took a few years ago. It is interesting that initially I did not think to spend more time exploring the picture. Contemplating the image on the screen I decided to develop the picture as a rich, textured black and white interpretation. The final result is a picture rich in mood and texture.


  1. John Minkowskyj11:05 PM

    Can almost feel the grit and smell the grease on the railway car.
    Great work.

  2. David Ernest5:23 AM

    A shot that makes you think in more ways than one, Mike.

  3. Thanks John and David for your comments. John I took this picture on one of our photo excursion. It actually is the back of an old tractor at Ward’s landing near the village of Nipissing.

    David, just like the previous picture of the utility pole in Toronto, I like taking pictures, which reflect a more personal interpretation rather than a direct objective presentation of a specific subject or landscape.
