Wednesday, November 10, 2021



This morning I am reading in my morning paper about the big COP26 get together in Glasgow, I came across my picture of the old Thorn farm here in North Bay. The farm is gone now. All that remains is a picture reminding me what it looked like. 


John Minkowskyj said...

With the way of the world. Nice having a reminder of what the place looked like.
To bad tho owner couldn't maintain the place. Photographs remind us of the 'history of place'.
Quite the billowy clouds.

Brenda Skinner said...

Mike, was that at the corner of Cedar Heights and Hwy 11?

Mike de Moree said...

You are correct. Well the farm is gone.

Brenda Skinner said...

Got your card today, Mike. Thanks. I used to love driving by that house. You were did have a sort of romantic (or maybe atmospheric) feeling to it. Gone now, just like the Howard farm I photographed during the course with you so long ago.