Saturday, October 31, 2020


 One of the places I visit, is a famous local house which is decorated  with all kind of found and collected junk. But lately it does not look that interesting any more. Everything looks neglected and deteriorated. Still, I did take a few pictures and liked this painting of a cow surrounded by some typical Canadian objects like old snowshoes, skates and hockey sticks. Again I prefer the monochromatic interpretation.


  1. Great image Mike...lots of stories being told here. You are lucky you live where you can shoot this kind of image. Around here, you might at the very least get mugged or worse, if you point your camera where others think you shouldn't. It is best to travel in a large group to do this kind of work, and even then it is risky. Cheers! Dave

  2. David Ernest5:52 PM

    Like this shot a lot, Mike. That window offers something for mostly everyone. Good choice with the monochrome decision.

  3. John Minkowskyj9:47 AM

    I like the 3d effect of the cow painting, with the fence relief. I'm surprised Mr. Se.... hasn't hung this in his house. I think he is trying to pass it off as an antique or heirloom with the weathered look.
