Friday, May 01, 2020


Another picture from my file. when I saw this door, I was quite curious about the construction of the entrance to the building. It showed a very generous application of cement not just the entrance but also around the window. Looking at the file It reminded me of some nineteenth century gothic scene. Remembering old wet plate photos from that era I first made a black and white image, which I combined with the original colour file. Then I applied a variety of filters to end up with an early hand coloured final image. My workflow is quite simple, starting in Lightroom then switching to Photoshop to make my preliminary adjustments and finally using the various filters and settings in OnOne.   

1 comment:

  1. John Minkowskyj9:43 AM

    Interesting shot. I'm not sure that is cement. I think it might be spray foam, painted to match the concrete block. It looks like it might be hard to open the door. I would call this 'bunker architecture'.
