Tuesday, March 10, 2020


It has been quite awhile since my last posting. Actually I seriously have neglected posting to my blog. Maybe it was the Winter weather or other projects I am working on. I have not been on any serious photo excursions this Winter, but last Friday Gerry and I made a nice trip starting in Cache Bay and ending in Port Loring. The reason we went to Cache Bay was simply to see the state of the old Anglican church, which we had photographed earlier. The church is slowly deteriorating and we suspect that it is beyond restoration and will disappear in the next few years.  It will be a pity to see a bit of local history disappear. 


  1. John Minkowskyj8:45 AM

    Roman architecture, Greek architecture, Persian architecture were all built to last.
    Minus a few earthquakes and world wars. But architecture in the past 200 years has not
    weathered too well. Today's architecture is designed with health, environmental and sometimes outlandish style. With each architect enshrining their own particular branding. Liebskin, Ghery Hadid, Hariri and so on. Once they fall out of favour down comes their work and up goes someone elses. Our disposable society.
    This is not what is happening with this church, but I guess it has served it's purpose
    and something else will take it's place.

  2. David Ernest3:36 PM

    Interesting comments on your first shot. I really like the skies on both of your photos.

    The church situations here likewise are in vanishing mode. No doubt folks are taking a more direct approach to their divinity (-ies).

    Am certainly happy to see you back on the scene after an absence of months.

    Looking forward to what surprises you have for us in your photo box.

    Found John's observations most pertinent.

    Keep well.


  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Beautiful image. Alway impressed by your vision and interpretation.

    dave johnson
