Monday, December 16, 2019


Time to post another picture. Christmas time is a busy time, but, together with my friends John and Gerry, We took a photo excursion to Screaming Heads. It was a grey Winter day which I like because it allows for some very fine moody photographs like this picture I took of the strange house looking like some fairytale haunted house.


  1. John Minkowskyj8:38 AM

    Right out of 'Game of Thrones'. I believe this residence predates Thrones.
    Some people's imagination takes on a personality all it's own, this artisan homeowner has let his imagination run his life. What if we all let that happen? It could be for the betterment of everyone.
    Nice mood Mike!

  2. Thanks John, I wholeheartedly agree with your comment.

  3. Hello Mike,
    I Love this photo. Someone posted a little blurb on little bit of the bay (facebook) and I went oh wow...Mike was my College Photography prof.
    You would never remember me. I had never picked up a camera until your class. I was an illustrator forced to do 'dumb' Photography to get my credits.
    Well Mike, how wrong I was. I was just a 'dumb' kid. LOL. I fell in love with the camera from those early classes and have been working with cameras and doing photography for almost 25 years now. Photography has been one of my biggest passions for decades. Weddings, car magazines to my greatest love, Nature. I shoot it all. My wife would like your address to have a word with you as I have a problem collecting gear and am always buying and playing with new and old lenses. You would be proud. I still run my camera in Manual mode most of the time. (Manual focus, some of the time). I always tell anyone who will listen. A classical art background and learning photography on a film camera were two of the best things that helped me learn this craft. Cheers Mike, I was happy to find your blog and see you are still at it.
    Gary C. Reed. Class of 95 - 97 Canadore Graphic Design.

  4. Mike, is this Midlothian? I went by there a couple of times on motorcycle rides.
