Monday, February 04, 2019


High time to post another picture. We have experience some pretty harsh Winter weather, so I have been looking at some older pictures in my files and yes have been scanning quite a few of my B&W and colur negatives. It is quite an interesting experience looking at some of the old files, which bring back memories of old photo trips from earlier times. Looking at your old files you have a different view of some of these older images and you ask yourself why didn’t I print this negative. Over time I learned that it is a good practice to take some time before processing a negative or digital file. 


  1. David Ernest4:42 AM

    Good advice, Mike.
    I like this horse portrait very much.

  2. John Minkowskyj1:22 PM

    It seems quite amazing how animals adapt to weather changes. Prime example is this pony with it's long hair fur. If the picture was taken in summer the it would just be a hide, nice and smooth. I think your pony is pretending to be shy, by looking away from the camera. Nice shot.

  3. Thank you for posting this pony picture Mike. I have always been a fan of horse images. They used to be everywhere when I was a kid, and now, there is hardly any to be found back there. Dave
