Saturday, January 19, 2019


It has been a month since my last posting. My excuse is that we first had the busy Christmas holiday time, then I worked on some other projects and also the weather lately has not enticed me to go out and wander around looking for photographs and another reason of course is simply procrastination. So time to post a picture of my on going abstract photo project. I took this picture in November just before the Winter hibernation. The strong graphic impact of black and white images is still very important to me. Maybe because that is where I started when getting interested in the art of photography and I do miss working in the darkroom.


  1. John MInkowskyj10:57 AM

    The welds, the rust, the sanded parts and the peeling paint make this photo very graphic and give it a time-worn feeling. I like the square format. It seems to be a popular format for presentation.

  2. Yes John, I think many photographers like it because i suspect the square format bringsback memories of working with medium format cameras like Hasselblad and even the twinlens cameras like the Roleiflex.
