Sunday, November 11, 2018


Yesterday we had another big November snowfall. So I took a little trip up the road to the Black Forest. Walking down one of the trails I saw the wind blow the snow from the trees. I liked the effect but of course I was too late to capture the beautiful grey tones swirling around the trees. I waited for quite a long time, of course it did not happen again and then a man came along the trail with his dog. We were talking when all of a sudden a windburst blew the snow right into the scene. I just snapped the shutter not certain I got my shot. Well I got lucky. Here is the result.


  1. David Ernest4:16 PM

    Yes, your intended effect got through, Mike.
    Same snow storm up here. Shot some pictures out the window down into the back yard and sent them off to my son and his wife in India. He absolutely loves the winters up here. One of the main seasons he misses.
    Look forward to more of your wintery scenes in weeks and months to come. Do keep me on you list.

  2. Oh, we still have a few month to go David so yes I’ll keep posting my Winter pictures and a few others of course. I definitely enjoy your comments.
