Tuesday, September 18, 2018


A few weeks ago I posted a few scanned pictures from my files. In the seventies and eighties I had photographed regularly in the greater Sudbury area. So John and I made a little excursion to see what is left of that really desolate but very interesting landscape. To our surprise most of the area around Sudbury  has changed.The barren rocky landscape has been transformed, which is beginning to resemble the traditional Northern Ontario landscape with predominantly pine trees. John and I found remnant of the old barren landscape  around the Stobey Mine. Its a pity that you are not allowed in on the property because the rock formations are beautiful and we would have loved to wander and explore the landscape. 

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest3:35 PM

    Well do I recall those lunar landscapes from back in the 70's when we first came here. I do like your panoramic view and choice of colour rendition. Thanks for posting this, Mike. Gives one a chance to compare Sudbury landscapes before and after the reforestation projects.
