Monday, June 04, 2018


A rainy day today and a good time to teach myself some new composition techniques using Photoshop and onOne RAW and of course an image from the old MACK truck I recently photographed.  It was quite fun working with the various filters and realizing the enormous variety of images you can create working with these powerful programs. All in all a very fruitful day of learning.


  1. John Minkowskyj8:34 AM

    Very nice composite print, it does the truck justice.

  2. Thanks John, glad you like it. Yesterday was a good day to try out making some more composite images. I refer to it as photo illustration. Photography has now reach a stage where photographers have the same freedom of creating pictures similar to painters and printmakers using the traditional methods of etching, drawing or woodcuts just to give an example. The lines between all these visual arts are getting very blurred.
