Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Last Monday Dan had invited Gerry and me on a small photo excursion along a private trail. It was a glorious Spring day. No black flies yet to interrupt our walk along a small creek. We pend a few hours taking pictures of the rapids. I concentrated on the textures and reflections of the water because I found the sunlight too harsh, which created too much contrast on the white waves of the rapids But we will return on a day when the light is much softer.


  1. Love the warmth and richness of this image Mike...I could stand and look at it for hours. Thanks, Dave

  2. David Ernest6:01 AM

    Very dramatic colours, Mike.
    Look forward to the results of your next photo session from there in the future.

  3. Thanks for the comments David. well today I will post another image from that excursion you might like. Soon I will get back to some black and white pictures you enjoy.

  4. This is for David Brown. Glad to see your thoughtful comments David. Hope to see you in North Bay soon. The weather is really nice now so no excuse to postpone your visit to the North.Mike
