Monday, April 09, 2018


John had photographed this old truck before, so he made a little detour to see what it looked like covered in snow. Like many other photographers I enjoy photographing old cars and trucks, especially when they have not been restored sitting abandoned in some field or forest. The attraction is of course the rich textures and the discoloration. But it goes further I think.It is has to do with  remembrance and also a reminder of our own aging process.This time I  surrounded the print with a wide white border, which adds to the visual impact of the image.The split toning accentuates the cold Winter atmosphere of the landscape.


  1. That is a real beauty Mike. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Hello Mike. My heart skips a bit as I view your posts. Your creations continue to inspire and motivate me. And, I so appreciate your accompanying comments. Thank you!

    Diane I

  3. Typo... a beat! :)

  4. Thanks Moremiles and Diane for your comments.It is encouraging to get some more interesting feedback than just a simple great picture comment. My mistake is that I simply post the picture and forget to give more attention to my own comments. While, technically, we should start to enjoy the new Spring season, the Winter is hanging on. It is not a great time to wander around taking pictures. However it is a time to revisit my old negative files and yes I am finding images, some of which I have made prints others I originally had ignored but now I look at them and think, hey they would make some fine images. So I will be posting some old pictures from my archives.
