Saturday, April 14, 2018


This picture definitely can only be in colour. I tried a black and white version but it certainly lacked the impact the textures and colours added to the visual richness of the image. I have not been back to the Sudbury area for a long time, but thsi Summer I definitely plan to return for another promising photo excursion.


  1. David Ernest5:30 PM

    Very, very nice image, Mike.
    My daughter lives in Sudbury. When I visit her, I do find a lot of photo ops. You would more so. They have interesting architecture which has survived the demolition ball over the years. There is a flatiron building down by the train station which I know you have photographed during your past visits.

  2. John Minkowskyj11:27 AM

    I never get tired of looking at or photographing rock formations. Whether its at Georgian Bay, South River, Killarney, Sudbury or as far away as The Rockies. It's the textures, images seen in the rock formations or the colours. There is a definite attraction. Maybe we'll head over to Sudbury and see what images we can create!
