Thursday, April 19, 2018


This was an image I really enjoyed working on. What intrigued me was the old cedar, which had grown all around the rock. Time had added the rich texture of the old dead tree and the lichen all over the rock surface. The subject would have greatly interested Edward and Bret Weston, two photographers I greatly admired. Way of working with a picture is quite fluid. I simply try different techniques using Adobe Lightroom then transfer the image to Photoshop and Adobe Camera RAW then into On1 Photo Raw then back into Photoshop for some final tweaking of the image till I am satisfied with the result. Do I know exactly all the steps I have gone through to get the image I am satisfied with? Well no only the general workflow. So no exact process.


  1. John Minkowskyj9:15 AM

    It's amazing in our travels when we see cedar trees, with their roots engulfing a rock or boulder. It provides interesting textures to photograph. Combined with great lighting you get an exceptional photo

  2. David Ernest6:37 PM

    Thanks, Mike, for walking us through your final image procedure.
    For me, my b/w route usually starts with OnOne, then to Adobe, and then to refining on to Silver Efex Pro 2.
    It would be interesting to hear of your other contributors' b/w practices.
