Tuesday, April 17, 2018


This picture is from some photographs I made many years ago when I was invited by a German geologist to accompany him on an exploration trip in north Western Ontario. This particular image was made when we were checking various sites on lake St. Joseph.It had some very interesting landscapes. I think Moremiles and David would have appreciated that trip. I took only black and white film on this trip and it is interesting to work again with these old negatives. Ansel Adams always said that the negative is the score and the print the interpretation of that score. I totally agree with that analogy. So now working on the computer my interpretation is quite different from my earlier prints.Again, working on the computer is very similar to working in the darkroom.


  1. David Ernest7:42 PM

    Thanks again, Mike, for this image.
    It must have been a memorable and interesting trip as you describe it.
    I recall that Leonard Bernstein in one of his many early '60s t v series hit upon a point that you make. Bach, for example, just left some of his works open for the performer to interpret the composition as he/she felt personally fit. A composer like Gustav Mahler had every bar annotated with guidelines for the presentation.

  2. John Minkowskyj10:07 AM

    This has been a prolific output of work by you this past week.
    You've got those computer/darkroom juices flowing. Great work.
