Tuesday, March 20, 2018


On Sunday we took a little walk downtown and when I said a little walk, that is exactly what it was Even though the sun was shining, it still was bitterly cold. So i did not get many pictures except this image of another mural of a famous musician and artist David Bowie. I like to see these portraits of musicians on the walls of downtown. It might be a great idea to see more of them. Maybe it could be expanded to include portraits of Canadian visual artists and writers.Well it's just a thought, which could be spruce up the downtown area.

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest5:05 PM

    Well, David Bowie does deserve this bit of wall publicity. Likewise, I do agree with your spotlighting artistic individuals be they from whatever field: artists, musicians, writers,sports and so forth. It is only through this type of publicity that incites the public's curiosity to seek further knowledge.

    That aside, I do appreciate your image immensely.
