Saturday, February 03, 2018


Today would have been a great day to make a trip to visit the Highway Bookstore in Cobalt. But this famous bookstore has been closed for quite  few years. all that's left are the fond memories of countless hours browsing the rich collection of new and old books and a few pictures. Not all is lost because the small Cobalt bookstore The White Mountain Publications still continues publishing of books by local authors. So if you visit Cobalt, you still can brows for books at this small bookstore.


  1. Great image Mike. I have been in this place many times, and my late sister-in-law used to work in the printing area of the business. Brings back a lot of pleasant memories. Thank you. Dave

  2. David Ernest4:37 AM

    I agree.... it brings back many memories. Hopefully, the Cobalt store survives for years to come. You can't beat feeling a book in your hands, turning the pages instead of being glued to some sort of electronic apparatus. Thanks for the photo, Mike.
