Sunday, January 14, 2018


Time to start posting to my blog again. It has been a busy time visiting Ottawa and taking care of some projects in the last two weeks but now everything is back to our normal routine. We did get a chance to visit the National Gallery, where saw the  2017 Canadian Biennal.We very much enjoyed the exhibition I particularly liked this powerful Bookwus Ghost mask by the First Nation artist Beau Dick, who was a hereditary Chief from the "Namgis First Nation in British Columbia. . The description explained that a mask is only "activated" during some of the Kwakwak a'wakw ceremonies

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest6:18 PM

    Happy to see that you are back sending out photos, Mike. I was wondering about your silence for over a good month. A belated thank-you for all your entries of last year. I do look forward to what you post in this 2018 year.
    Enjoy your mask shot.
