Monday, June 19, 2017


The Spring has been and still is very wet, But the weather did not stop me from going on a little walk downtown to make a few pictures. I have been remiss in posting lately. So time to show some new images. Just before the rain started aI managed to shoot this view of Oak Street on a very wet quiet afternoon.


  1. John Minkowskyj1:26 PM

    The colours just pop in this one. Nice treatment with the graininess.

  2. Thanks John. I left the grain on purpose. Grain adds a quality to an image, which is quite often lacking in many of the digital photographs. In black and white I nearly always add grain. It's probably nostalgia.

  3. Great image Mike....I so miss being able to go downtown and walk around freely without fear of being mugged, or worse. For the most part, I have done my shooting in our back yard, and in my very tiny, micro studio, that I use for still life shots. Keep 'em coming.
