Saturday, April 15, 2017


What a glorious Spring day it was yesterday. So, of course, John, Dan and I had to go on a little photo trip. Walking onto the beach I was struck by the intense blue colour of the shadow on this little part of the beach. It had just a hint of the warm colour from the early morning sunlight. An excellent beginning of the day.


  1. Mike, I continue to be amazed with the wonderful images you find in the most ordinary of places. Even though the image was tiny small one gets the feeling that it was significantly larger. Freeman Patterson would be impressed!

  2. Love this, to me, if you ignore the lake,it looks like a high hill or mountain with paths leading to the top.

  3. Mike, this is, I think, one of the most interesting images I've seen for a long time. To me, it looks like you took a photo from a long distance away, with the water looking like a blue sky, and the little rivulets of water flowing into the lake, to me, looks like a ski hill on a fine winters day. The foreground looks like any number of objects or people scattered about. I really like this image, and thanks for posting it. Dave
