Friday, March 31, 2017


This morning Dan and I drove to Mattawa to take some pictures. The light was pretty flat on this early Spring day. Actually the correct light for photographing the remnant of the Mattawa railway station. 
The condition of the building could be expressed in one word, sad. I don't think this station could be saved because the cost would be prohibitive. It definitely looks like a symbol of the end of the railway era in Northern Ontario.

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest5:01 PM

    I do like your shot of this station, Mike.
    Yes, similar to beautiful old bank buildings, the demolishing teams are always eyeing them.
    Up here, we still have the original train stations in Temagami and Englehart. The Haileybury station's life was ended a good ten years back. It was a wondrous structure to photograph.
