Saturday, October 01, 2016


Another image from my visit to the Iron Work store in Picton. When I saw these praying buddhas, I had to photograph them of course. But back to the idea of starting a discussion about the changes and the future of photography. We could set up a group in Facebook where we can discuss our concerns and also of course how we feel about the new trends in photography. Some of us are not on Facebook and might be reluctant to join. So in addition we could start a blog as well. Let me know how everybody feels about this idea.


  1. David Ernest12:34 PM

    I'd go for the blog, Mike.
    Like you Prayer Group.

  2. A Blog sounds good to me also Mike. I am not on Facebook, and do not intend to be anytime in the future. Let me know if you set one up. Enjoy your image of the praying Buddhists. Thanks again. Dave

  3. John Minkowskyj1:58 PM

    Sounds interesting Mike!

  4. facebook - blog both are fine to me
