Tuesday, September 20, 2016


We just returned from a wonderful family event, which we celebrated in Prince Edward County and in Brockville. Actually we only spent Friday evening in Brockville where we had a wonderful cruise on one of the tall ships.It was a very pleasant evening which included a dinner and entertainment. Here crew members are lowering the sails on our return to port. It is certainly an event which we hope to repeat next year.


  1. What a great shot Mike! Love the way the sail pulls you down into the people below & the B&W treatment is perfect.

  2. Thanks Moremiles, Yes I like the B&W version better than the original color version. The light was terrible because it was dark so I had to take the picture with an extreme high ISO setting. This of course produced a tremendous amount of noise. So after struggling with the image without getting the result I was looking for I just changed to B&W and this is the result.

  3. David Ernest5:13 PM

    Mike.... did you use your On 1 plug in for this b/w version?
    Just curious.
    I do like this result very much.

  4. Yes I did David. I used the Ilford HP5 preset, although most of the time when making a Black and White image I like to use Ilford Delta 100. When I worked in the traditional or classic B&W photography my film of choice was always Ilford FP4, HP5 and later Delta 100.
